Oplysninger om Peder Hansen Uf

1. [Født: Ca. 1536 i Pg. Simblegård, Klemensker, Nørre, Bornholm]
- kilde: Titel: Oplysninger fra Michael Erichsen - GED-fil via mail , i arkivet:
2. [Død: 25 jul 1596 i Pg. Simblegård, Klemensker, Nørre, Bornholm]
- kilde: Titel: Oplysninger fra Michael Erichsen - GED-fil via mail , i arkivet:
Oplysninger fra Michael Erichsen - GED-fil via mail
Har haft en kirkestol i Klemensker Kirke.
Pew is preserved in Klemensker church with initials PH and MHD, it last/latest to his (Jørgen Gagge's) wife, Margrethe HansDatter.
After his death in 1596 inherited his 2 daughters all the farms he had received in inheritance with his wife Mette Myhre, and also Uf property - the eldest brought Myregård in Åker m.fl. to her husband Jørgen Henningsen Gagge.
The youngest married in 1606 to adelsmanden Hans Grabov, they inheritedSimblegård, Myregård and more other farms. Their son was able to latersell all 30 farms.
Peder Hansen Uf, there resided on Simblegård in Klemensker, became chief justice in 1574 and received yearly tax payments from 11 farms, here under 20' vdg. in Klemensker, thus beyond to own/possess 6' vdg. had he also ownership right across 20' vdg. in Ibsker, until he quit judicial office in 1588.
See 'Bornholmske Samlinger', 3/126, 11/112, 16/137, 147, 149, 21/25.
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In 1572 a meeting was held by Bornholm's Parliament to establish who had the right to the status of 'Frimand' (Freeman) on Bornholm. Of course,that meeting had a broader purpose: a war in which Lübeck and Danmark had fought side-by-side had ended two years previously, and there was another three years before the Lübeck 50 year claim to Bornholm was to expire; although Lübeck claimed that it had been given a further 50 years. In this predicament it was wise for the King to establish locally situated allies; and Bornholm's influential free-men, who normally would have been snubbed by the King and the true nobility, were now in a position to receive benevolent treatment from the Danish government.
At the 'Frimandsmødet' held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named as being in attendance: Peder Uf, Peder Poulsen Kofoed, the brothers Jens and Hans Madsen Kofoed, Oluf Bagge, Peder Myre, Jørgen Gagge, also ten other men only listed by their father's name; and at which occassion three Danish Parlimentary advisers (Rigsråder) ...
by Lübeck's representative Sweder Ketting, 'because you might expect that Lübeck only plotted to keep our island under their yoke.'
A document dated March 28, 1574 tells us that Peder Hansen Uf was the Chief Justice (Landsdommer) for Bornholm at that time. A free-man(frimand) he was the owner of Simblegård proprietairgård in Klemensker parish, and Eskildsgård, 9' Vdg. Pedersker. His wife, Mette Hansdatter,inherited Fuglsangsgård (later known as: Gaggegård, still later as: IKlinteby), 6' Vdg. in Ibsker - which she later passed down to her daughter's son Claus Gagge.
On August 30, 1577 Peder Uf was endowed with thirteen farms that were under ecclesiastical jurisdiction, namely: six farms in Østermarie, one farm in Ibsker, two farms in Vestermarie, three farms in Klemensker, and one farm in Rutsker parish. A letter of declaration (dated April 27,1580) confirmed that he had property-rights equal to that other free-men on Bornholm. Coat-of-arms drawing in Heraldry Periodical, nr. 43,1981ep: contains a chevron (gavlsparre).
Simblegård, in Klemensker parish, is classified as a 'friegård', later called a 'proprietair' farm, which is the highest of the three farm classifications.

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